Antidot vitamin k1
Antidot vitamin k1

antidot vitamin k1

  • Monitor PT and only administer vitamin K 1 if PT becomes elevated (see How Vitamin K 1 Works).
  • antidot vitamin k1

    Begin prophylactic vitamin K 1 therapy or.Treatment & MonitoringĪfter deciding if decontamination is warranted, the clinician must then choose to either: If emesis is unsuccessful or contraindicated by underlying conditions, such as severely brachycephalic patients and those with seizure disorders or significant cardiovascular disease, the clinician may instead give one dose of activated charcoal with a cathartic.įor patients presented over 8 hours after ingestion, emesis or activated charcoal is unlikely to be effective. Bar forms of bait may remain in the stomach for a longer period of time, allowing effective emesis for as long as 8 hours after ingestion.If the patient ingested bait pellets, emesis is likely to be effective for up to 4 hours.Clinicians most commonly choose to induce emesis. ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS Decontaminationįor patients that have recently ingested an anticoagulant rodenticide, the clinician should consider performing decontamination. However, clinicians can expect to see an increase in the number of bromethalin and cholecalciferol cases seen in their practices due to Environmental Protection Agency regulations that went into effect June 2011, which limit the sale of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in the consumer market. In the past, most patients were exposed to anticoagulant rodenticides.

    Antidot vitamin k1