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Looking up wire library

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Colonel Karl Bendetsen, the architect of the program, went so far as to say that anyone with " one drop of Japanese blood" qualified for incarceration. California defined anyone with 1⁄ 16th or more Japanese lineage as a person who should be incarcerated. In Hawaii (which was under martial law), where more than 150,000 Japanese Americans comprised over one-third of the territory's population, only 1,200 to 1,800 were incarcerated. More than 112,000 Japanese Americans who were living on the West Coast were incarcerated in camps which were located in its interior. Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps based on local population concentrations and regional politics. The rest were Issei ('first generation') immigrants born in Japan who were ineligible for U.S.

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citizenship) and Sansei ('third generation', the children of Nisei). About 80,000 were Nisei (literal translation: 'second generation' American-born Japanese with U.S. Of the 127,000 Japanese Americans who were living in the continental United States at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, 112,000 resided on the West Coast. Roosevelt via an executive order shortly after Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. These actions were initiated by president Franklin D. Approximately two-thirds of the inmates were United States citizens. Most lived on the Pacific Coast, in concentration camps in the western interior of the country. During World War II, the United States forcibly relocated and incarcerated at least 125,284 people of Japanese descent in 75 identified incarceration sites.

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